No question FaceBook advertising bears little resemblance to Search Advertising. However, we are starting to see some great success stories of companies success with FaceBook advertising. Nevertheless, FaceBook’s advertising model may be seriously flawed.
If you ever accessed Facebook using one of their mobile applications; perhaps you noticed something missing. There are no ads.
Most 30-40 year old women (one of the most coveted and powerful consumer groups) access their Facebook accounts usinge their mobile device.
While I agree that FaceBook needs a native iPad app, for the sake of their business, I think they first need to find a way to make sure all those current mobile users interact with ads.
As my good friend, Avinash pointed out in his 11 Digital Marketing “Crimes Against Humanity”, there are 6.9 billion homo sapiens on the planet and 3.7 billion of them actively use 4.3 billion mobile phones.
You hardly ever have to worry about keeping up with your competition if you keep up with your audience. Facebook is not keeping up with their audience and all companies do this at their own peril.
So do you agree that there might be a problem here?
The post FaceBook Advertising – Might it Be Broken? appeared first on Bryan & Jeffrey Eisenberg.